Entered Information
Student Name: Natasha B
Grade: 10
Title: The Spring after Death
Description: Slab built and sculpted flowers added. Glaze is brushed on. fired in electric kiln to ^6.
Dimensions: (L)7 x (W)7 x (H)11 (Inches)
Weight: 8 Lbs.
School: Falmouth High School - Falmouth, MA
Teacher: Corine Adams
Exhibition: The 26th Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition

Additional Work Info
Clay Vendor: Laguna, laguna 65
Wheel Vendor: Shimpo, Shimpo whisper
Tool Vendor: Other, Kemper
Glaze Vendor: Amaco
Kiln Vendor: Skutt
Firing Temp: High Temp, ^6
Atmosphere: Oxidation, electric kiln
Cone Number:
Entry Photos